Andersen Matheka wins the inaugural sustainability golf tourney

Andersen Matheka of Muthaiga Golf Club was crowned the winner of the inaugural corporate Citizens of Africa (CAA) sustainability golf tournament at the lush par 36 Muthaiga Golf Club.

The seasoned golfer beat Gerald Githinji on countback after they both garnered 41 points. Wilson Chelelgo was a distant third registering 38 points on countback.

The event that brought together over 50 golfers from Nairobi and its environs was the first of its kind as it incorporated sustainability ideals in its game.

Speaking during the prize-giving ceremony, an elated Andersen Matheka said: “I am very happy with my win. I did well in the first nine registering 6 pars, 2 bogeys, and a birdie. My second nine was also fantastic. I was able to garner 5 pars, 1 birdie, and 3 bogeys. I must admit that my swing was there, and I also had an amazing four-ball.”

The tournament was sponsored by KCB as part of the bank’s support for sustainable sports agenda in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development acknowledges sport as an important enabler of the long-term progress of society.

Corporates Citizen of Africa CEO Sheida Mutambi said: “Today’s tournament marks the beginning of concerted efforts to buttress sustainability, especially through sports which acts as an enabler for us to make an impact in society.”

MG Team

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