National junior triathlon team to Trinidad and Tobago all set for Commonwealth Youth Games

As the Commonwealth Youth Games draw near, the National Junior Triathlon Team to Trinidad and Tobago is finalizing its preparations to make a lasting impression at this global youth event.

Under the tutelage of Coach Alphan Mwanyika, the team has been rigorously training in Kilifi County for the past two weeks, fine-tuning their skills and honing their abilities to bring their best performance to the Caribbean games.

Coach Alphan Mwanyika has shown confidence in the team’s capabilities and believes that Abdul and Iman are well-prepared to face the challenges that lie ahead.

“The team has been preparing well here in camp and I know they are going to do their best and improve on their times as well as get experience in international events as this will be their first assignment outside the country. I want to thank the National Olympic Committee Of Kenya and the Ministry of Sports Youth and Arts for making this residential camp possible” said Mwanyika.

Leading the pack are the two athletes, Abdul Bagha and Iman Maria who are eager to showcase their abilities in the upcoming competition in Tobago where they will be alongside other disciplines rugby and beach volleyball.

Abdul and Iman expressed elation on having made the team affirming that it will put on their best show when they compete. Iman further shared that her main goal as she travels out is to  encourage more young girls to join the sport as this would help grow the discipline in the country.

“I am very excited to have made the national team. It is always a proud moment to see other athletes carry the flag and now it’s my turn. My main goal as I go out is to better my time and achieve even the bigger target of inspiring other girls to join triathlon,” added Iman.

MG Team

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